STI Clinic in Dublin City Centre
Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI)
Some Facts About STIs (STDs)
- Any sexually active person may be exposed to STI.
- STIs are common. Many infections remain dormant. People with STI may look and feel healthy.
- STIs could be passed through blood, blood transfusion, body piercing, sharing needles, tattoing, sex, bodily fluid such as semen.
- STI tests are simple and include testing for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
- Most treatments are simple and painless.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
People with HIV may have no symptoms.
Spread through blood, blood transfusion, body piercing, sharing needles, tattooing, sex, bodily fluid such as semen.
Attacks the liver and is extremely infectious.
Contracted through blood, blood transfusion, body piercing, sharing needles, tattooing, sex, bodily fluid such as semen.
Known as a silent infection. 80% of women have no symptoms. If not treated could cause testicular infection, infertility, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic infection etc. In women could cause vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, bleeding between period or after sexual intercourse and pain passing urine. In men may cause penile discharge and pain passing urine.
Female: 80% of women are symptom free, however could cause painful urination and vaginal discharge.
Male: Over 90% could have symptoms such as penile discharge and painful urination easily treated with antibiotics.
Men: Often have no symptoms.
Female: Frothy vaginal discharge, itch, painful urination. Treated with antibiotics.
- Stage 1 – Sores in genital area
- Stage 2 – Possible rash and flu like symptoms
- Stage 3 – If left untreated could cause damage to the heart, brain and vital organs.
Painless lumps around the genital area, could be treated using freezing or special liquids or cream. Certain types of genital warts are associated with cervical cancer so regular cervical smear is recommended.
HERPES (Herpes simplex virus - similar to common cold sore)
Painful blisters or ulcers in the genital area, may cause painful urination and flu symptoms. No specific cure however antiviral tablets promote healing.
For more information or to book an appointment, contact us today on (01) 873 59 59.

Walk-in STI Clinic in Dublin City Centre
Male STI testing involves:
- Blood Test
- Urethral sample from penis
- +/- Urine sample
Female STI testing involves:
- Blood test
- Vaginal / cervical sample
- +/- Urine sample
Service | Price | Hours |
* This includes consultation | ||
To make an appointment, contact us on (01) 873 59 59. | ||
This includes testing for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphillis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. | €150 | * Mon – Thur between 8.00am – 5pm. Friday between 8.30am – 1pm. |
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